Sunday, September 26, 2010

I am also from

I am also from the womb
of creative intent
and from the contrariness
of one who journeys mindfully.

I am also from the motherhood,
the sisterhood, et al,
of the blue of sky and oceans wide
that captures the best of me.

I am also from the knowing
of corners, bends, and curves
formed each into an obstacle
that tests my flexibility.

I am also from the thoughts
of the you, the them and they
loving, indifferent, hateful,
imbibed collectively.

But I’m also from the heart
of angelic realms divine
who stitched in my unhappiness
an eternal pressure valve.

And I’m also from the love
that surpasses understanding
but how loving can love be
when it severs me from you?


  1. wow....! Very nice poetry. I like it so much. You share a lot things in this poem like motherhood, sister and love. Keep writing poetry. Great.

  2. Thank you so much, Josh. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
