Thursday, January 15, 2015

In the dip

Down in that dip beneath what I see
waves of memory wash over me
and sometimes they cool my restlessness
to leave me refreshed and perfectly calm. 

Then there are times when the waves are wild
and toss me about like a piece of driftwood
but I must be that because life cut asunder
the good and honest, the true meaningful.

Driftwood of course has no memory;
it’s just a thing discarded, useless,
with no “inside” to dictate the times
of good to bad or laughter to frowns.

No wishing, no hoping, no longing to be
a piece of driftwood can ever ere be
and so in that dip there’s work in progress
to calm those, oh, so very wild waves.

Come on waves, come hither to me,
calm like the day before knowing love!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dead of night

Silently and stealthily the dead of night creeps in
and steels like the thief it is human consciousness
and it runs, yes, it runs, into the wild unknown
there to clean and cosset its prize of the day.

But not completely evil it returns to the owner
all the components of what has gone before
always in the hope we’ll view with different eyes
and gain a new perspective on what we thought before.

And like the “love me/love me not” it works sporadically
because day like a fierce and aggressive sci-fi animal
wakes up and starts to feed on all re-assessments
until overfed are we on this life’s reality.

How beautiful if only known what the night brings forth
and how sad to let it slide into the rising sun
that lands us back and back again into the same old/same old
that keeps us held and bound in total unawareness. 

It’s life, you know, simply life and what is meant to be
until, until … well, of course, until the very end!