When rain sets in and candles flicker
listless in the air,
a sense of loneliness creeps unnoticed
through the door
to drape like silken robes over
shoulders of the old
and bring a kind of comfort to the
coldness of alone.
Illusions of the night flitter through
a brain in pain
as sighs escape from lips into the
to freeze and hang immobile from
ceiling to the floor
like statues in a park sculptured from
unfeeling stone.
But out of sight a better life dances
on the beach
to captivate and catapult the lonely
into dreams
where warmth of fantasy trespasses in
a mind
until the sun in silent mode announces
a new day.
Then star dust in once hopeful eyes
dies in reality
and lies beyond the lids waiting to
rise again
for when the time is right, there’ll
be no lonely nights
but a peace and a love greater than a
human’s dreams.
Soon stories will be told of how life
began again,
of how fables old are true, and of how
a human being
regained the right to see a better,
grander, view
than falling rain and candles that
flicker listless in the air!