Thursday, September 26, 2024



In the silence of these times
a gypsy’s mind travels far
looking, looking, somewhere there
for what she know exists.
But she is known to misconstrue
the signs she sees along the way
which cause her to veer off course
from her core belief.
She doubles back to start again
but to no avail she humbly sits
and tries with all her might to be
well implanted in these times.
And so it worked for years and years
but how she longs to walk the trail
in search again for what she knows
is waiting, waiting, waiting.
But she smiles again like gypsy’s do
to fight off all the tears inside
that flood her being with … woefulness
because she knows she won’t succeed.
She tried back then and tried again
but now she merely waits and waits
because she knows she can’t be right
if the timing isn’t so.
Time, dear time, when is your time
to shine your goodness down?

Saturday, August 31, 2024



So she made a mistake and ended up “here”
where sunflowers have taken their leave
and no roses grow all vibrantly red
in soil deprived of nourishment.
Sometimes the sun beats fiercely down
and sometimes the rain pools in disdain
here in that place called “here”
that always sings out of tune.
But she can still hear the call of the wild
emanating from deep memory stores
that uplifts and places her way over there
away from that place called “here”.
So there, over there, is where she goes
to find the true and meaningful
that always sustains and fortifies
while living in that place called “here”.
She goes and returns again, again,
but comes back refreshed and renewed
and always gives thanks again, again
for that beautiful place over there.
And it truly is beautiful!

Monday, January 8, 2024

Up and Out

And as her mind fills up, up, up,
with evil not ere known before
she knows to do a nightly scrub
and flush the knowledge out, out, out. 

But of the flush is it enough
to ensure no remnant there remains
to taint the essence of her being
and make her be as she is not? 

Although she ponders she well knows
she is today as she was then
and tomorrow she will be again
how she’s always been. 

There is no changing the true self
but sometimes pretence reigns supreme
and little signs along the way
are discarded from mind’s reservoir. 

But the day will come when evil says,
“To hell with this, I’m going out”
and she will see and then believe
all those discarded signs.

Too late, too late, she should have known
but the scrub and flush left her unarmed
to face the full import
of evil’s many wiles. 

So keep the signs within the mind
to be prepared and ready for
the time when people change
from what you thought was good and true!