Dream Time Poetry
A collection of healing poetry designed to mark the author's own insightful journey through the complexities of life.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Monday, January 8, 2024
Up and Out
And as her mind fills
up, up, up,
with evil not ere known
she knows to do a
nightly scrub
and flush the knowledge
out, out, out.
But of the flush is it
to ensure no remnant there
to taint the essence of
her being
and make her be as she
is not?
Although she ponders
she well knows
she is today as she was
and tomorrow she will
be again
how she’s always been.
There is no changing
the true self
but sometimes pretence reigns
and little signs along
the way
are discarded from
mind’s reservoir.
But the day will come
when evil says,
“To hell with this, I’m
going out”
and she will see and
then believe
all those discarded
Too late, too late, she
should have known
but the scrub and flush
left her unarmed
to face the full import
of evil’s many wiles.
So keep the signs
within the mind
to be prepared and
ready for
the time when people
from what you thought
was good and true!
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
The sea today
Wind whips at the sea and she crests in anger
at the will of the life force that puts her on edge
for placed of nature she'd much rather flow
straight to the shore like a woman adored.
No friend the wind to pierce through her heart
and bleed her frustrated womanhood feel
into the rough of an unsettled life
like a figment created for picturesque worth
and not for the using, the feeling, tasting.
Sea sprays her ire right up to the sky
but it crashes back down into her mass
swallowed and swallowed so she can begin
making slow rolls towards calm repose.
Night hastens to come and relieve the sun
for the sentry of day no help in the fray
and the sea bids the night be her lover
to still the frenzy within.
Night settles at last on the sea’s many fears
the promise of peace still yet to be
and the sea believes like the seer in me
that everything comes to he who believes.
Meanwhile the rain and just so you know
tomorrow the wind will blow yet again!
Thursday, April 14, 2022
from her bubble of silence
she wondered what happened that day
when life stole her earthly voice.
the wind that blew it away,
or simply the evil of humankind
that burnt to ash each/every word?
but that gypsy knows to search the terrain
because the entrenched that’s missing today
not yet dead and buried.
the intent of goodness, mercy, kindness,
and speak to the deaf of forever love
and belief in the everlasting?
while she struggles to remain undeterred
from the battle to retain her core beliefs
in a world so intent on evil.
but evil, that dastardly thing called “evil”,
attaches itself to her every day
and relentlessly marches on and on and on!
Saturday, March 27, 2021
The run and jump
because she cannot understand
the lies, the greed, the arrogance
and that dreaded manipulation
that trips her up time and time again.
and know to take little, little, steps,
before the run and jump
that takes them away and over.
uncertain how or where she’ll land
but at least she is in motion
from years of immobility.
but I can bow from the waist down
and pay homage to the strength
that came out from the blue.
now way up in the air
but will a cushion or a rock
be awaiting her “come-down”?
what a run and jump will lead to
but to stay as one immobile
a fate worse than death.
upright on her feet
and live to tell of the heartache and grief
that will surely follow her all of her days!
Saturday, January 23, 2021