She lurks on the side lines
amazed and dismayed
and sometimes amused at
how humans behave
when embroiled in
life’s so many small things
that keep them
distracted from the meaningful.
Yet too does the
meaningful lurk in the shadows
always in hope of being
found and discovered
and it waits and it
waits, oh, how it waits
but it ages, you know,
like we all do.
I wonder sometimes how
it would be
if the meaningful died
before being found
and how many would
grieve and mourn the loss
when busy, so busy,
with the small things.
Now small things exist;
they do have a purpose,
but alone they become
the “be and end all”
and create a sense of
mere self-importance
in those who do not
seek and discover.
But look in the
shadows; feed the meaningful
and give to the small
things enhanced purpose
so all of the things we
do and will do
become plain and simply
… meaningful!
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